Sunday, May 17, 2009

Leonard Cohen

My sister called raving about his latest tour. she thinks it is the best concert she has ever seen , ever! That is a big statement considering she has had the greatest tickets to the most amazing events. I am stoked that the senior minister of poetry and swagger is doing a tour. I love his work and think his singing has improved it now matches the poems and the melodies in the exact perfect way...imperfectly.

What a great lesson...who would have thought that a 75 year old could sell out concert halls all over the globe? A man who spent almost a decade in isolation only to discover he was penniless who by necessity had to share his bounty his soul, through his choice of communictaion song and poems and just beinghood in order to suvive and finds out he is flourishing...he is richer in every way. Thank goodness for the contrast.

It works...she says that after 3 hours of music he walks off stage and out of the theatre, like the angel that he has become he evaporates.

No backstage flesh pressing , gone.

I dig that...the monk in a fedora moving us to the core of our being then whisking off into that good night, every night.


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