Monday, June 1, 2009

The White guy

Listening to an interview panel discuss the new nomination for the supreme court the panel of various thinkers from both sides of "The Aisle" were in agreement that her comment about being a woman who is Hispanic versus the "The white mans" perspective was not aggressive or racist.

I would agree although it occurred to me that I have some ingrained conditioning regarding authority and safety all things good, its the older white guy. I too have been raised to think only good thoughts and feel only safe and want that guy to save me...or I give him authority.

Before you lose it and get mad at me and call me a racist. Please I want to say that intellectually and emotionally I know this is not true and I do know that some of the worst criminals in history especially lately have been old white men.

That in fact our current financial meltdown and fragile national security, our overall condition in this country could be attributed directly to old(er) white men.

I hate to separate and join the race card people. Those who can't wait to point THAT finger?

I don't have the same conditioning, my father is an OLD White guy many people in my life whom I love deeply are white.

So it isn't my normal stance to separate.

BUT listening to everyone discuss this new issue as if there is a terrible crime being done to innocent people (White) well it hurts.

It hurts because for longer then a century the African American has been lied about, repressed and treated horribly. No matter how many men of color are voted into office it just isn't going to patch up the wound/s.

Listening to the radio and watching the television with every one acting mortified that a woman of color used the race card against "the white guy establishment" it makes me giggle.

I laugh because this is nothing compared to our African American history in America this is a speck, a grain of sand. Wait until they really are a minority say in 25 years? Worse if North Korea imprisons the USA or China then tell me about it.

Till then it's shameful to be so precious and insulted and sensitive.

No it's Ironic.


glt said...

Yeah, we all know that MOST old white guys are not hideous monsters, but they do still have the advantage of making it into the public eye easier. But that might be changing. Those who seek power are usually destroyed by it. I don't think color matters.

Dwacon said...

Labels... can we finally do away with them?

BC boy said...

Hey, I am a white guy who grew up in a neighbourhood that was mixed with other whites, lots of chinese, japanses, black canadian, portugese, italian, east indian and some others. To me it was normal and until I was almonst an adult, we kids knew little of race difference. My best friend was Chinese. I guess to me it sounds ridiculous that people make a fusss over an ethnic justice. My question is simple, does she know the law and is she qualified? Great let her in and we'll all be just fine thank you.

gregcunningham said...

I find it interesting that people were so offended by Judge Sotomayer's comments when all she was saying was we all make decisions based on our experiences, value systems and influences. As a minority, our identity is defined by our ethnicity our culture, and a perspective that is unique. Multiculturalism is the "new normal", and it appears to me that many are fearful of this redefinition of what America's cultural norms are. Well, it's being redefined by the political, social, and economic emergence ethnic minorities. No need for anyone to fear, diversity has always been our strength, we've just not always embraced it.

gregcunningham said...

I find it interesting that people were so offended by Judge Sotomayer's comments when all she was saying was we all make decisions based on our experiences, value systems and influences. As a minority, our identity is defined by our ethnicity our culture, and a perspective that is unique. Multiculturalism is the "new normal", and it appears to me that many are fearful of this redefinition of what America's cultural norms are. Well, it's being redefined by the political, social, and economic emergence ethnic minorities. No need for anyone to fear, diversity has always been our strength, we've just not always embraced it.
