Ha...what a delight my rest 'note" brought more responses then I have had in a long while. I am adjusted to the quiet mind you. At first I was eager to have more responses (like we had at FB) then it felt forced. Wow, that forced feeling that seems to be a constant theme for me. The maintaining balance and clarity and sitting with what is with out too much drama. I am facing so many wild inner struggles at the moment and some of my issues are as old as the hills. Today is a bit different since my urge to destroy what is good is lessened. Thank Goddess. Still it isn't easy being a "being" and I struggle as much as the next guy to keep within what I call "Cosmic flow". That energetic place where we are carried, guided and loved and protected. If I step outside integrity I get in trouble. I am one of those people who get instant retribution, it's pretty interesting and keeps me honest. One night after a dinner party. I was walking back to the car and the sidewalk was teaming with roach's. I was wearing my new favorite sandals. For some weird primal reason I started to smash the bugs with my wooden sandals. Killing quite a few it was huge carnage for the roaches. Finally getting back to the car we drove off. A few minutes later as we were speeding down the highway. I smell a horrid smell and it is coming from my foot. I take off my right shoe it is covered in dog crap. Yup...after smashing those roaches I had stepped into crap. Out the window went my new shoe. It was so upsetting since I had just gotten the shoes that day. Killing those insects was the problem. In my life this is how it goes so I am hesitant about being out of integrity. It is far better for me to be within...to be clear, honest and good. Yet, It's not like I am not temped. I am often and it's so hard to be good. Even at my age gorgeous temptations abound. Yikes.
No, I prefer to be within the circle within protection I cannot lie...this is the better spot for me.
For you too.
can def relate...fal into the same category...
I believe the great comedian Dudley Dickerson said it best...
“Hep me... Hep me... I’m loosin’ may mind!”
Fortunately, no roaches where I currently live... the occasional spider, but they tend to keep out of your way.
But when I have my Dudley moments, good to know that the Lord Jesus is listening.
Too delicate to wipe that shit off your shoes??? Har har!
I think I have a conscience toward most forms of existence EXCEPT for certain nasty bugs that want to kill me, like roaches, flys, mosquitoes, and ticks. Roaches are intelligent versatile devils. I have roach stories going way back...they will bite and eat your living flesh while you sleep. There are zillions of the big ones now living in America's sewers, especially around restaurants and they need to be eliminated. They serve no valuable purpose. And they love to come out and swarm on the full moon energy, like baby werewolves---they are EVIL! There is a common non-toxic powder(I forget the chemical name)that will take care of them by constipating them to death. I feel no mercy!!!
Har har!
Otherwise, we must continue to steer toward the horizon. Good job!
Imagine that even the Cock roach has a right to live and my stomping them wasn't a good idea. Oh sure I could have saved the shoe and wiped teh crap off later but the gagging in the car while we were en route wasn't worth it.
I am sad I littered but it was super stinky.
I think it's not a good Idea to kill unless forced or threaten with death as in a violent attack and there is no choice.
I am happy I can't get away with stuff. Keepin it honest.
It seems to me you consider life(your own)a privilege that must be earned by good deeds, or lack of bad ones, rather than a right.
I believe this is a general rule of religions, if they are condensed to the essence of their themes. I have yet to hear of or see any goodness in cockroaches! ...just joshin' about the stinky shoes, but I always carry plastic bags in the truck for emergencies! ...steering forward...
love and peace...
I believe that I do not include/understand any damage for me
it is what these stories of excrement???
it is terrible these French who does not include/understand all lol!!!
There is a poop theme...ewww
Apologies Geogia.
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