Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Forgive me but I am going to be tough here. I think it's vital to be responsible for ones beliefs and comments and certainly I am not perfect in my own assessments but I am on a mission to root out any and all bigotry in my own heart and I am disgusted by it when I run across people who are in my opinion uneducated and religious and evil. I don't like the painful judgements they seem to have regarding homosexuality, race and other "issues". Unfortunately I have someone here whom I am suspect isn't a real person. I actually think it is one of my sick friends who is kind of bent out of shape because I am doing this blog thing so they pollute the thread with faux racism and it bugs me and I am deleting them and if it is harassment I will figure out how to stop them.

I want to say to anyone here I am not against opinions certainly but I am against people who are bigoted against those who may be outside the Neo Christian comfort zone. That is ME by the way I am taking offense here.

Get lost, stay away, you are not welcome on this blog and you know who you are!


glt said...

I think the "blog" scene, unlike facebook is open to frauds, quacks, and bigots. They are the same thing. The person of whom you speak usually comes across like a confused, drunken, illiterate, skin-head. Not a pretty picture unless one is into hate for hate's sake. I feel like Lewis and Clarke here on the blog. Hopefully I won't shoot first and ask questions later.

Keep up the GOOD work, Sweet Pea!

P.S. I knew today would be's the 29th, an 11 day!

Aaron T. said...

Don't let anyone, distract you from doing the work you have set out to do Rae. Believe me, your friends know your passion and fully support you. Those who wish ill, can be dismissed.


Aaron T.

Native Hoop said...
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Native Hoop said...

I was wondering if you would like to interviewed on The-Hoop by Neyom Friday?

James Morales
Native Hoop Inc

Charles said...

I figured you were going to give him the boot after I read his post :/
