Friday, March 19, 2010

Racism and other touchy things...

Yesterday my mother in law was telling me how offensive and racist "The Blindside" was. I was sort of upset because I very much loved the movie and yet I saw her points. I thought it refreshing and important to show the masses especially the fly over state people that a man of color who may be physically threatening looking is not "always" a bad guy. I know people who don't have friends of color and who still think "we" are dirty filthy untrustworthy people. Although NEVER would they admit to this belief but I know they think it. My very white in law had a very valid point when she said in the movie the people who were black were either harsh losers or violent or dumb. Ahhhhh I said of course. Then it set me off to thinking about how we function and what we do as a species to feel safe in our lives and one thing we do often and we should be embarrassed about this is we dominate. We subconsciously need to be better then everyone in our circle of influence even if we do it in a passive aggressive way little digs comments meant to disturb deconstruct and keep those who may threaten us DOWN.

So then it made me think about race relations and how one group needs to diminish another for exactly this reason to feel safe.

Plus when we are threatened it is because deep down in the most secret hidden places we fear we are less than...

Ohhhh it gets so juicy this stuff.

So now I am sad because I thoroughly enjoyed the movie but I see her points and I see the flaws in the film. I am guilty of sacrificing my own understanding to be taken on a film fantasy ride. I am a romantic film loving fool...

Oh well.

1 comment:

Dwacon said...

Yeah... I walk into a room and security goes on alert... people back away... all that. Doesn’t matter that I am a man who matriculated at Harvard, worked in the White House, and am wearing a $3,000 Italian designer suit. Just my epidermis and my physical size.

But such is life. What can you do?
