I am rumored to be appearing on Oprah Nov. 5th.
The Color purple reunion show.
1# no ticket yet has appeared...so until I see THAT I am not really believing I will be going anywhere.
2#. last time I flew to Chicago to appear on her show she never called me onto the stage. So I flew there for what? Exactly...no thing. She did have a lovely chat with Arnold.
3# I am afraid it will be cheesy...please forgive all of us if it is.
How does one say no to the O?
Scary really.
Cheesy? Absolutely! But they are celebrating the anniversary of Back to the Future, the same way they did for Animal House a few years ago. If those two movies (which I both love) can get that kind of acclaim after all these years, then a true classic movie from a classic book can too. Like many Black males, I have my issues with the movie, but I still have the ultimate respect for the quality of acting and the message of female empowerment. So the show needs to get its due in a way that only Oprah can give it. Besides, Oprah owes you and everyone else on that show for moving her into another level as a entertainer.
Anyway, any opportunity to get to see you on TV in the middle of the day is reason enough for me to want you to do it.
I'm not a big fan of Oprah, but I hope you make it on her show because I think it would be a great opportunity. If you’re on Oprah its one of the few times I will view her show. --- If anyone is wondering, yes Oprah is a superwoman donates time, money, and makes a big impact around the world. However, I'm confused when she helps some reach bored housewife remodel her home. Or give white celebrities more airtime then black celebrities. That’s just my opinion but I think celebrities should receive equal airtime to promote their projects or products. --- Quoting my dad, “Oprah knows how to make white people rich.”
That's kind of messed up she did you that way. It's something I would like to see, because it would be electric and I haven't seen you on TV in a while.
She is an easy target. I mean Spike lee, Tyler Perry too everyone who gets a taste of big success will suddenly revert to career maintenance instead of continuation of innovation. It isn't racial (meaning only ethnic celebrities do this) it's human nature. I do wonder why these very successful people have not made more strides as far as impacting diversfiication in media. It has barely shifted. I mean we will know we have succeded when a performance in film/television is measured by talent by acting accumen and less that they were a racial type and its token impact. In otherwords when we can become just another human being in the media given characters to portray with depth instead of a racial stereo type with 2 dimensions. It's not a level playing field if we are always the specail character role the token...we can't be judged either. I long for that equality.
We almost touched on it as Paul Mazersky once noted with my peak 80's run. I almost cracked that glass ceiling by just showing up as "the girl" instead of THE BLACK girl. Then the gap shut, it closed. Spike Lee complained I took the African Centricity out of my roles as if that was a bad thing. I suppose when we are still grappling for identity it is. Still the argument remains when will we just be allowed to co-exist without drubbing our environment with our ethnicity? When? I don't think we can expect change if everytime we get close to integration we take it as a loss of identity and selfhood. Really maybe Will Smith has come closest or Denzel maybe but I am not certain it's true...they are Islands in their mega watt super stardom, so that is not a bad thing it's just not integrated. Complicated subject this...very.
We seem to lose heft with integration and yet we are prisoners to fringe ghetto networks (BET) and tokenism with out it. Damned if we do.
While said… Oprah’s target market is a middle class housewife and that’s not me. Spike Lee should look a your career path as a positive, because you helped open the doors for more diversity on the big screen. For example, the Morgan Freedman part in Shawshank Redemption was written for an Irish man. Tom Crouse turned down Enemy of the State and it given to Will Smith…however; we have a long way to go…
We are remained how young USA is because we are trailing last place in diversity compared to other countries.
Did a ticket ever arrive?
I loved that Movie, but I can't believe that you were in Oprah's audience and weren't asked to come up on stage!
That's crazy!
Maybe she's still mad at you for slapping her in the face in the Movie!
This is Oprah's last year, for the Oprah show anyway. She's moving on...
Here is the blow by blow so far...we are filming or taping thsi morning teh hsow. Apparently she will have a look if it is pro Oprah enough it airs. If not it will be shelved. I am lisening to all of the stories from the others that makes any grief I had with O seem like a feather swipe...nothing. I was spared. So much so that I actually think there is a Gawd! Lol...anyway we leave in an hour or so to sit and experience the Oprah machine. No we did not see her last night maybe Q but no one else. Thsi is surreal.
Yes the ticket arrived and yes I am in Chicago.
LOL it's a lot of fun so far more because I get to listen to stuff no one else will ever know. Oh one tip? Go get the Kitty Kelly book apparently its all true. What KK says. Oprah has tried spent money to stop it. Its pretty intense. My next book to read.
this is repulsive sell out...
OMG That's not nice...The Note is a Fan blog. Even if you disagree you have to be respectful.
LOL it is a repulsive sell out GLT so right you are!
I am still scraping the cheese off my cheeks.
No not a fanblog a tell it like you think it is blog site too.
Cool... I was holding back on how I felt about Spike Lee. Although he’s great Director he's also an ass. I think he has a color complex himself and redirect his own personal issue to other black Artist. If you think about it, with the exception of his student film, all the women he hooked up with are light-skin just like his wife. Love is love and we could find it anywhere; and if someone has a preference it’s his or her choice. Spike Lee wants to be judge, jury and warden, because others don’t leave up to his black standards.
So glad you were able to go!! Was it, or is it going to be televised??
You looked amazing on the show today, Miss Rae!
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