Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Celebrant

It has been a busy winter so much to catch up with. I shot a piece I wrote for a crowd funding site which will be up soon I hope. It was fascinating to do in my little town I was able to must up a pretty good crew and director so I am hopeful the material was well served. When the onus is on our shoulders it is a different experience one I think that is healthy and better than being a hired gun. I have been facing my own mortality and career with wonder and clarity in that I have know idea how long I can bare looking at my self on film. It takes great strength to watch one age over the decades without losing ones mind. It is a natural process to grow old but that doesn't make it is shallow to have any sort of discomfort over ones look and weirdly I don’t most of the time but then occasionally it haunts me and I have to make decisions say for wardrobe and do I go character correct or try to look pretty. Don’t let Hollywood fool you even Meryl wants to look good. Still I will lean toward natural not worry about my “looks” and I will go for real and guess what? It isn't good, I look bad and then woes me I get judged. Oh dear still at 52 I am about to be 52 it is unseemly to be so looks obsessed and it definitely isn't popular in my neck of the woods.In my town we value natural and we value grace and we value normal nothing else is comforting and I love that. This holiday season I was in LA and I felt sad for many lovely women I ran into who were feeling old or unwanted painful. Many were obsessed about fat or being lonely or alone and many weren't having fun. I say move away…get out of tinsel town and find a life surround ones-self with people who are authentic and kind and interesting who actually do something,get out of youth -ville LA. Stat. Soon I will have my link up and I hope some of you donate to the cause so we can spread some love. The Celebrant (my show) is ultimately is about spreading love.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Where and when can we see the finished product. Don't worry about aging, just think of all of the wisdom that came along with. 52 is a lot of years, but with your "fine ness" you will always look 50-25. Just keep on being yourself and speaking the truth. Do you know about the 1111 people?
