Tuesday, December 14, 2010

600 acres...

Sanctions don’t work and again if you think withholding anything works you are stupid, full of hubris and looking for trouble. North Korea has the bomb we knew this and now everyone else in America does as of this morning it is everywhere in the news. The death of Richard Holbrooke should open up the discussion of closing our long tour in Afghanistan and redirecting our presence in Pakistan or greatly reducing our presence in Afghanistan and getting our so called allies more involved. Oh it won’t happen we would be seen as being losers although that is what we are we are losers fighting an invisible enemy that is smart and well financed which is never going to end simply because we are at war with dogma. Dogma wars are unwinnable. I also think Wiki-leaks (is) something our Department of defense conjured up because of its arrogance of course, I think we would be cyber attacked by young cyber adepts because we again are the big hallway bullies of the world. It doesn’t surprise me that artists and social butterflies are bankrolling his release into luxury. I don’t stand against him because I don’t know all of the details. I do admire the chaos the organization has created and I like that he and his posse has made the world take note and that governments are also on notice because they do bad things to each other in secret. Still I am not sure if he is doing more good. It seems he just maybe doing some good. I need help though in understanding it/him. Finally it has been a very busy time for me filming in lovely, cold wet and windy Portland. I am enjoying the experience. It is like fairy dust has descended on my head reigniting my love of acting. I hadn’t realized I missed it and now doing it, I love it. I kind of dismissed it simply because I am older and not the ideal weight for perfection on screen. Oh I am still too fat for film but I am working on it although I will never be the stick pole I once was. It’s too harsh and I am just too happy being me.


Unknown said...

You raise so many important points. I had a bit of an epiphany the other day watching the "Shock and Awe" attack waged by the leading world superpower on a relatively defenseless though sovereign nation of Iraq with our "suspicion" that the posed some sort of threat as legal justification. We bombed invaded and destroyed the lives and livelihoods of millions of people which in itself is a tragedy, but is rendered a tragic farce of heartbreaking proportions in light of the fact that the suspicions were completely unfounded. About the release of information that are being called "illegal" because there are laws, supposed to declare these releases against the law. I subscribe to the principle that a democracy in which the government is given disposition to operate in secret from it's own citizens is not much of a democracy. Also while seeing the legitimate unprovoked and ultimately unjustified invasion of Iraq, I find it more and more ludicrous to brand those who have been radicalized by these types of imperialistic misuses of military force as "terrorists". Who are the terrorists in actuality?

Charles said...

I hope to see you back on the screen someday, Rae. You looked great on Oprah, maybe you're an artist being your worst critic. This Holbrooke guy, his passing brought back memories of invading another country that never attacked us, Serbia. I don't see how he was given credit for brokering a peace plan in the Balkans, while we bombed it to pieces 3 years later. He was the 'diplomat' who abruptly left the peace talks, told Belgrade the meeting was over and to button down the hatches. Yeah, he was real mad. Then Clinton and his goons started round the clock bombing on an area the size of a dozen counties. The fact that the attack on a country that never attacked us (yes, they were doing bad things to their own people) began the day before the vote to impeach was a joke. Maybe he wanted to end the war in Afghanistan because they aren't rolling over like they did in Belgrade. I'm sure he had some decent qualities about him. But he was a die hard politician masquerading as a diplomat-a tool to be pulled out of storage for Dems and mothballed for the others. For half a century. He was the best.

Unknown said...

I think the blood and the dust of many horrific attacks on many countries (Vietnam and Iraq and teh Balkins to name a few) sits heavy on our souls-conscious-and is collectiovely a heavy overdue debt. It is just so sad and so many real Americans who would never agree to go to these unwarranted wars... we deserve so much more and transparency is a fabulous start. Proving once again that we are being lied to over and over again. Ahhhh it means we must think on our own...or become more self responsible, individually and collectively.

Thanks for the comments they all ring true to me.
